Sunday 23 January 2022

Week 20 Pregancy Update - Halfway There

 Wow half way is finally here. One one hand it feels like it’s taken forever and on the other it feels like it has gone really fast and I can’t believe we are on the down hill stretch now. 

I had a midwife appointment this week and was told that I need to have a glucose test asap and another later in the pregnancy, because I had gestation diabetes with Ollie. So I am trying to book myself in next week. I have also got scans booked in for an anatomy scan, which I am really excited about. The Midwife sized baby up and said everything was normal and that baby had a good strong heart beat. I also mentioned how I’m getting really tight around the lower abdomen and she said it was probably just my ligaments still stretching and that I should use a belly band if it causes too much discomfort. 

Josh felt baby on the outside yesterday, which was exciting. It’s nice to be able to finally share it with someone else. 

Baby is the size of a grapefruit this week. Which sounds huge but in all honesty I don’t buy grapefruits whole very often so I’m not really sure of the size ha ha. I am feeling really out of breath even doing the smallest things. If I’m sitting and am slightly laying on my back or slouching too much, I get out of breath too. I made the mistake of going up a whole heap of stairs yesterday and today I am paying for it, my calves are so sore. 

Here is a bump picture to finish with please excuse the hair ha ha it’s been a lazy day here today….

Sunday 9 January 2022

18 Weeks Pregnancy Update - A Quiet One

 This has been quite a different week. Firstly, this week,  baby’s movement was almost non existent for a few days and it had me a little worried that something was wrong, but yesterday it came back with a vengeance. Also, I got quite sick. I had a super sore throat, which started Tuesday afternoon and continued on to me loosing my voice on Thursday morning through to Friday afternoon. Along with the sore throat my body was achey and I had a ripper headache. After three tests which all came back negative we ruled out Covid and decided it must be laryngitis as that is something I get frequently, and my voice is always the first to go. 

But enough about me, baby is the size of a capsicum this week apparently. I find these size comparisons so weird because a lot of the fruits and vegetables range in size anyway so it’s not really anything to go by. Baby’s basic organs are formed and it is just continuing to grow at this stage. As it’s bones harden it’s movement will become more noticeable. I can feel it on the inside but am still waiting for it to be noticeable on the outside enough to have the kids feel it. I cannot wait for that. According to wives tales, this baby is going to have lots of hair because I am getting wicked heartburn. And the burn of heartburn on the oesophagus paired with a sore throat is quite the frustrating ordeal.  

The kids are also testing my patience this week. Putting them to bed every night is just the biggest frustration, and it is stressing me out thinking about what it’s going to be like with a baby on top. But that is really it this week. As always I’ll finish up with a bump picture. Have a good week :-) 

Sunday 2 January 2022

17 Week Pregnancy Update - Here we go again

Can you believe it?? I can’t. I thought 2 kids was all I’d have because I’ve always been scared of being outnumbered or worried that I couldn’t divide my attention and love between so many kids…. But here we are…. Baby number 3 on the way!!!

It has been quite a different journey this time so far. Especially as we have two other kids over the age of 4 now and they are understanding and are excited about what is happening and are also managing to exhausting me at the same time. I am slightly worried about how this pregnancy will go, because I am the most unfit I have been at the beginning of this pregnancy, than I have been with my others. I’m just hoping my body is still up to it ha ha 

I found out at about 8 weeks or so when I went off coffee and just generally didn’t feel well. But I did multiple tests at home which all kept coming back negative and it wasn’t until I saw a doctor, that I got the positive test, which came as a bit of a shock to Josh and I, especially as we have a wedding booked for the end of this year and a baby has made us reassess and change how we approached things. 

I got really sick after finding out with constant nausea, which made work an interesting experience. I had to see a Doctor to get medicated it was that bad. I also had to see doctor because I had spotting quite early too. So just to make sure everything was ok I went and had an ultrasound (which sienna got to attend, which was pretty cool). But everything was ok.

I was booked in at the hospital and got a tour of the new maternity wing, which was super cool. This will be the first baby I’ve had at our local hospital, the other two I had at a hospital close to my parents, but this time since both kids will be in school it’ll just be easier to have baby closer to home. I got to hear baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler, which was awesome. I was also told that since I had gestational diabetes with Ollie (check out this previous blog My gestational diabetes diagnosis to hear all about it), I have to have my glucose test earlier. I’m really hoping I don’t get it this time because I love food too much and I had so much struggle with it last time. 

I am feeling huge. Well huger than I remember being with the other two. Baby is the size of a pomegranate this week but I already feel as if I am at least 27 weeks. My lower back is already starting to ache at the end of the day and I’m feeling lots of stretching happening in my lower abdomen. But I am reminding myself to enjoy this as it will be the last time that I grow a human. I am feeling movement inside, but not enough to be felt outside just yet. I am looking forward to sharing those moments with the kids. 

Sienna keeps talking about when baby gets here this, and when baby gets here that, and she has her heart set on getting a baby sister, but I have to keep reminding her that we aren’t finding out gender so she has to be happy either way, boy or girl, as long as it’s healthy. I think it’s a bit harder for Ollie to comprehend what is happening just yet, he is still quite rough with me and keeps asking me if I’m pretending ha ha. I don’t think he will mind what the gender is either way. 

And here it is my first bump pic for this pregnancy!! As you can see I am a lot bigger this time already, I think third time around my body just knows what to do :-)