Wednesday 15 July 2015


Hey all!!!

So this being my first blog and all I'm kinda new to this... 

I am 25 weeks pregnant and I had my monthly Midwives check up at the hospital today!! Everything is going well, jellybean's heartbeat is normal and she is the perfect size so that's all well and good. I had to book myself in for a Glucose Blood Test next week though, which I am not really looking forward to as I don't like needles and the thought of being in the hospital for 3 hours isn't really all that appealing ha ha. 
I can feel jellybean kicking an awful lot. But most of the time she seems to be kicking downwards into what feels like (and it sounds incredibly stupid) my butt. It feels sort of like when you go over a hill in the car and your tummy sort of drops. Its incredibly weird.
I am also getting really bad heartburn, which is a pain in the ass. Even water is giving me heartburn =( 

On a different note... I bought myself a whole lotta cook books today. I absolutely love being in the kitchen (very womenly stereotyped, I know). Not so much the cleaning part, but the cooking part is my idea of heaven!!! So be expecting lots of food porn coming up in my future blogs because I love to share what I make with everyone ha ha. The other night for example I made this awesome Tortellini Bolognaise Bake and I was pretty damn amazing ha ha. I'll try my hand at being technical and add a pic...

Now it may not look like much but I was pretty damn proud of it =)

I am also a really avid reader... if you have any recommendations of books that I should read (or things that I should cook) please comment below. I am currently reading Jurassic Park by Michael Critchton. I was inspired when my partner, Josh, and I went to see Jurassic World at the cinema recently and I was really impressed. Josh is also a huge fan of the old movies and the books, so he has been nagging me to read them. And it is, I have to say, a really good book so far. 

So keen for Antman to come to the cinema tomorrow also... HOORAY!! And am sooooo jealous of all those people over in San Diego who got to go to comic con because that looked AWESOME!!!! 

Anyways, if there is anything you want to hear from me, please leave comments below... questions about jellybean, cooking challenges, reading or movie recommendations that I can later talk with you guys about, superhero info or quotes.... absolutely anything!!! I am all ears and am looking forward to hearing what you guys think...

Cheers xx