Sunday 13 February 2022

Week 23 Pregnancy Update - What a Whirlwind

 So a lot has been going on this past few weeks not just with baby but in life in general, like Ollie starting school, so it’s been a bit of a whirlwind, which is why I haven’t been able to get on and do my updates.

In regards to baby, I had my glucose test this fortnight. I was so sick after that liquid. But I haven’t heard anything from the midwives yet so I’m taking that as no news is good news. It was the first time that I had all three blood samples taken from the same vein too. Usually it one arm then the other and back over but this pathology lady was really good. 

I also had my 20 week scan. Which was really exciting. The lady said that she was amazed however that baby did not stop moving the entire scan and never moved into the position that she wanted it too…. Great a sign of things to come….. baby’s head was also wedged right down in my pelvis. I even got up and did star jumps and everything to try and get it to move its position but it didn’t move up enough. 

I have been feeling lots of movement and can even see the movement on the outside now. I am struggling to sleep at night because of the mixture of movement and heartburn. Everything is getting very uncomfortable to do already, reaching the floor is proving to be a challenge. I am always feeling thirsty and keep getting headaches behind my left eye which I am assuming is because I am dehydrated. My face has broken out in so many pimples, but I can’t tell if that is hormones or just the face that I have to wear a mask all day. And my skin has been itching like crazy, especially my belly (because of the skin stretching), but also my neck and the top of my chest. I have been getting a lot of skin tags on my neck which are annoying me and I find myself picking at them although I know I shouldn’t be. But most of all I am really struggling with exhaustion and tiredness. Working a 41 hour week and using my half and hour lunch break to pick up the kids from school, then getting home to cook dinner and put kids to bed, doesn’t leave me with much energy at the end of the day. I end up going to be pretty early every night but not getting the sleep I would like and feeling tired in the mornings. I think I am going to talk to my midwife next week to see what I can be doing for more energy, maybe more iron or something?

Baby is the size of a large mango this week and measures about 30cm from head to heels. It is pretty much fully formed now and is just growing now. It can hear what is going on outside (which at the moment is a lot of sibling whining and whinging) and can feel when I sway it. It’s pretty exciting how big it’s getting. 

I find out about whether or not I have gestational diabetes this week, so fingers crossed there…. I’ll try to keep you updated more regularly from here on and try not to complain as much as I have in this blog, it’s just been a tough few weeks. Thanks for listening and I’ll leave you now with a bump pic…. I’m looking as huge as I feel….