Saturday 17 December 2016

What is Something You Can't Live Without?

So... Something that is always on in my house and I think I would go crazy without it is... MUSIC!!

No matter what time of the day, or no matter what's going on. I love to have music playing in the background. Not only does it boost my mood, but it helps Sienna to go down for her naps and she loves bobbing around to the different songs. When she was younger, dancing to music with her in our arms was one of the only ways we could stop her from crying.

I cannot imagine a life without music. It is such a special and individual way to express yourself. At the moment because Christmas is coming up, we have a lot of Christmas music playing in our house. Right now I'm playing the Christmas album of a band named 'She & Him". They are a fantastic easy listening, kind of folky duo headed by Zooey Deschanel from the show "New Girl". I love all their stuff and was so excited when I heard they were releasing a Christmas album this year.

I think I was born in the wrong era sometimes. As much as I love listening to new release music, I absolutely love the old school sounds of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Billie Holiday, and even Edith Piaf. The laid back sound just does it for me =) I could listen to them all day.

So I'm putting the question out there to you guys and gals.... What is something that you have around your house every day that you couldn't live without? (It could be something you don't even realise you are using every day) Let me know in the comments below....

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