Sunday 15 January 2017

29 Weeks Pregnancy Update Big Baby??

Some things have really hit home this week... I have had a friend of mine who was due at the end of February, have her baby 6 weeks early. This terrifies me. I couldn't think of anything that would scare me more than having a baby come early. Not only am I alone a lot at this point in time but I just don't feel ready yet. But in reality it could be happening at any time now. I was discussing with Josh and with my sister about what I would do if anything was to happen while I was at home alone with Sienna. Especially considering the hospital that I am booked in to is an hours drive away. I guess it's something I'd just have to deal with if it did happen. I have plenty of phone numbers to contact if anything happens so I'm pretty sure I'd be fine. How early do you have a hospital bag packed? Is it silly to have one ready 11 weeks before you're due? I guess I'm just a person that likes to be prepared and the thing that scares me the most about child birth is how it is completely out of my control.... I don't know how anything is going to happen.

Blueberry this week is about 40cm long and 1.3kg in weight. So its hasn't grown too much in the past week and has a lot to pack on in the next 11 weeks. I am feeling a lot of symptoms this week though... My ankles are swelling, which is something I never experienced with Sienna. I am finding that at work roughly around 3o'clock my feet and ankles start to really hurt. I am getting really out of breath, really fast too. Today for instance, I was doing the washing up and after a while felt like I needed to sit down because I was so out of breath, doing nothing but standing there, washing!!! My heartburn has been coming back at nights. Not as bad as it has been but enough to keep me awake. But if that isn't keeping me up the fact that I just can't get comfortable or the fact that it feels like Blueberry is playing a soccer game in my stomach is enough to keep me up. Sleep is hard to come by at the moment unfortunately, especially with it being as hot as it is.
Another thing I have been experiencing over the past few days, more than normal, is what they call "Lighting crotch". It is when baby is kicking, elbowing or headbutting my cervix and that sends a jolt like feeling through the rest of my body. It is painful but not at the same time... like, painful for a second then it just feels like going over a big drop and your belly has that dropping feeling. But it literally stops me in my tracks everytime and the more it happens at a time, the more painful it feels.
I am struggling a bit with Sienna at the moment too. She wants to be picked up a lot and I can't hold her for too long and struggle to bend down to pick her up of the ground. I am already needing her to stand in her cot so I can pick her up because I can't get down to her when she's lying down. It also is very difficult to lay her down at naptimes because those bars in her cot just get in the way ha ha

I find out the results of my glucose test at my midwife appointment which takes happens on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for good news. I also have lots of questions for my midwife this visit too. Because I tore quite a bit when giving birth to Sienna, I worry about what issues I may have "down there" this time. I also need certificates from my midwife to show my workplace that I really am pregnant so I can get time off. Plus lots of other questions which I can't remember right now... she'll have fun with me =)

This week we were also comparing pictures of me from my last pregnancy with this time. And we came to the conclusion that this baby is bigger than Sienna was, as at 28 weeks I look the same size as I was at 35 weeks with Sienna. That makes me nervous work wise also, as at 35 weeks last time I had a week left of work and this time being a similar size I still have 7 weeks to go.... it'll be fun... I guess I just have to take it easy and take each day as it comes. I just feel sorry for all the people that will have to put up with my complaining and constant pee stops. (I swear I never peed this much with Sienna.) I'll let you decide for yourself if I'm a similar size to what I was....

Me at 29 Weeks...

Me at 35 Weeks with Sienna:

Craziness!! But they do say that you are bigger with your second baby... right?? It could be a small baby with a lot of fluid in the sac around it, right??? I'll just keep telling myself that, and not that I have a monster sized baby boy growing inside me ha ha let me know what you think.....

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