Sunday 16 April 2017

Happy Easter - Something Thats Been On My Mind......

Hey Guys!! As you may have noticed, I have taken a bit of time off, adjusting to life with a newborn and a toddler has taken up most of my time. But more on that later.... this was just a quick note to wish all the readers out there a warm and happy Easter!!

Easter to me is a time to spend with family and be grateful for life and the fact that we can live with free will and love. It is a time to wipe the slate clean and start again with a grateful heart and mind. I was raised in a Christian family so it also has the meaningful aspect of Jesus being raised from the dead after paying the ultimate sacrifice so that all our sins would be forgiven. But I challenge you all today and every day no matter if you believe this or not, to show love and kindness and thankfulness to everyone around you. This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately...
If you have kids, I challenge you to make them laugh at least once (if not more times) every day. If you don't have kids make one other person laugh, your partner, your mum or dad, your best friend, or even yourself. As silly as this sounds if everyone in the world laughed or even smiled once a day, it's contagious! Imagine how much happier the world would be.
In a world that seems to be full of so much hate these days, be the ray of sunshine in someone elses dark day. BE the change you want to see in the world. Make everyone know that they belong. That they are cared for. That they are loved. No matter what they believe, no matter what colour their skin is, no matter who they love.... they belong and are loved.
I don't want to bring my kids up in a world where people are excluded because we are all in this together. Putting someone else down will not make you feel any better. But raising someone else up and making someone else feel good about themselves is the best feeling in the world.

Also, and most importantly, love yourself! You are such a unique person. There is no one else in the world like you. That's a really special thing.
A mother loves her newborn baby without reservation. Its a love that is forgiving, accepting, honest and perfect. Many people don't believe a love like that exists in our every day lives. But it does. And we need to love ourselves that way. People look in the mirror and see all their flaws and it stops that love from coming out but you need to look at yourself and know that you are perfect to someone. It may not be you at the moment. But you ARE perfect. Love yourself and embrace all your qualities, even the things that you consider to be flaws.

Whether it's Spring or Autumn where you are, it's a time of change, so start now... This Easter, give the best gift of all.... Kindness and love. Give it to all the people around you and give it to yourself. It's easy to do and it doesn't cost a thing. I love you all... Have a brilliant day. Happy Easter!!

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