Sunday 23 January 2022

Week 20 Pregancy Update - Halfway There

 Wow half way is finally here. One one hand it feels like it’s taken forever and on the other it feels like it has gone really fast and I can’t believe we are on the down hill stretch now. 

I had a midwife appointment this week and was told that I need to have a glucose test asap and another later in the pregnancy, because I had gestation diabetes with Ollie. So I am trying to book myself in next week. I have also got scans booked in for an anatomy scan, which I am really excited about. The Midwife sized baby up and said everything was normal and that baby had a good strong heart beat. I also mentioned how I’m getting really tight around the lower abdomen and she said it was probably just my ligaments still stretching and that I should use a belly band if it causes too much discomfort. 

Josh felt baby on the outside yesterday, which was exciting. It’s nice to be able to finally share it with someone else. 

Baby is the size of a grapefruit this week. Which sounds huge but in all honesty I don’t buy grapefruits whole very often so I’m not really sure of the size ha ha. I am feeling really out of breath even doing the smallest things. If I’m sitting and am slightly laying on my back or slouching too much, I get out of breath too. I made the mistake of going up a whole heap of stairs yesterday and today I am paying for it, my calves are so sore. 

Here is a bump picture to finish with please excuse the hair ha ha it’s been a lazy day here today….

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