Sunday 5 February 2017

32 Week Pregnancy Update!! Rough Week....

Hey all!! Sorry I missed a weeks update. I've had a lot on which I will talk about his blog...

First things first though, 32 weeks!! Wowzah!! Only 2 more months till we have a new bubba in our arms!! Everytime I think about that it just blows my mind!! This week baby is the size of a Papaya fruit. He is measuring about 45.7cm and weighs about 1.8kg. It's a crazy though to think that if I was to have my baby now, he has over a 90% chance of survival! I would like him to keep cooking though because I want him to be as healthy and strong as he can be. I had a midwife visit last week and she said that he is measuring up fine and has a healthy heartbeat. He is still head down and is in the same position as a fortnight ago with his back to my right side and his legs to my left. She also told me that my stomach has grown quite a bit in the past fortnight and asked if I have noticed it.... and boy have I!! Every since Australia Day I have been out of breath even more than I already have been. It also seems to be getting in the way even more so than usual.

I have had a really rough fortnight this fortnight. After finding out about my Gestational Diabetes, I admit, I did stress a lot. I went to classes to teach me how to test my blood and how to monitor the foods that I was eating. It was quite overwhelming, everything that is said and the amount of paperwork you get, incase you don't remember everything that is said on the day. I came away from it thinking, this will be easier than I thought, basically all I have to do is cut out sweets and chocolate (I have not had a lolly or chocolate in 2 weeks, which is really good, if you know me and my sweet tooth) and I could keep eating what I already am, which was healthy enough, I just had to portion control. Keeping an eye on how much pasta I put on my plate when having spaghetti bolognaise and that sort of stuff. Because unlike proper diabetes, we watch out carb intake more than sugar intake. (Mind you I could have got that totally wrong, that's just how I have been looking at it.) You also have to make sure that you are having 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. Your meals must have between 30g-45g of carbs and your snack must have between 15g-30g of carbs. You also have to test your blood levels 4 times a day. When you wake up, and 2 hours after the first bite of your main meals. The rules are pretty simple but I have been finding them difficult to fit into my every day routine.

I work an hours drive away from my home, and although that is just for another 4 weeks, it makes it really hard to be having breakfast before 9am and dinner before 7.30pm. I felt like I was eating all day with the constant snacks, but strangely enough, felt hungriest in the 2 hours after my main meal, when I couldn't eat, before the blood test, and I find it really hard to snack at work, because I am so busy doing other things.
I felt like even though I was having all these difficulties, I felt like I was still getting on top of it. My blood was coming in at a good sugar level. Then I made the mistake of being lazy for dinner one night and getting Zambreros. I thought that this would be the best fast food option, it was a wrap and if I watched the things I put on it I would be fine. My blood sugar level after that was high... not over the limit, but high. And ever since then, it has been high and I am really struggling to get it back down. Today is actually the first day that I have felt like I have it under control again. I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong. I was following my diet instructions down to a T, but was still getting these massive sugar levels coming in. It was making me feel so depressed. Food. Something that I have always loved, was becoming a thing of daily stress for me. Eating and not being able to enjoy it, for fear of what my blood sugar level was going to be after finishing it. Feeling my insides falling to pieces every time my levels came back high and not knowing where I was going wrong. Having to stop myself from crying each time because I didn't want to feel weak. I didn't know how I was going to make it through these last 8 weeks. I already felt absolutely exhausted, thinking about every thing I was eating tired me out even more. I couldn't find the energy to be doing exercise, when I can hardly hold my eyes open at the end of each day, and the last thing I want, is to be put on medication. Then, finally, I think I had found the culprit. Although you are allowed to eat bread (and I was eating multigrain bread, not like it was white or anything), I thought that maybe that was what was sending my sugar levels over, because I was having it with every meal as it was an easy carb to use. So I left it out of all of my meals today and have been doing fine. Sugar levels have gone back down and although I am still absolutely exhausted, that takes a weight off of my shoulders. So no more bread for me. (Just for 8 weeks, I keep reminding myself). I have follow up appointments with both the hospitals diabetes expert and my dietitian this week so I'll let you know how they go in my next blog.

I have been having some weird pains this fortnight too. When he kicks, he gets me in the ribs which can get quite painful. And there are times throughout the day when he feels... heavy (I think is the right work to use), I feel like gravity is really pulling my belly down and it can get quite achy and to a certain extent painful sometimes. I have this belt thing that my parents gave me which I have been wearing around the house which helps a little, but sometimes I just need to tell myself to stop and sit. I have also been getting head spins this week. Its probably to do with the heat coming and going and me not drinking enough water, or the fact the I have to bend down to pick up Sienna so often, but there are times that I am getting light headed. My midwife said just to keep my fluids up and to pick Sienna up squatting instead for bending at the waist (which is easier said than done in my condition).

Looking back at my weight gain during these last few months of pregnancy has been interesting too. You can tell that I binged over Christmas because between the beginning of November and the end of December I put on 4.1kg. I remember saying in a blog previously that I was almost at the weight I was at full term with Sienna. But in the month since then I have only put on 900g and I'm thinking that most of that is baby. So I am still just under what I was full term with Sienna ha ha and i'm holding onto that for as long as I can. Although I do understand you do need to put on a healthy amount of weight when you are pregnant. Check out my bump picture.....

Please don't forget to leave a friendly comment either down below or on my facebook or instagram accounts. If you have any questions or advice please I'm all ears =)

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