Saturday 11 February 2017

33 Weeks Pregnancy Update!! Pregnancy + Heat = Not Good!

33 Weeks!! This pregnancy is just flying!! I know I say that every time but it is really unbelievable how the weeks are just flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was writing my last blog and before I know it, it's time for the next weeks blog! I am really enjoying reviewing my weeks during this pregnancy, and sharing them with whoever out there is reading them. It's a great thing to look back on and remember what is was like.

According to my App this week Blueberry is the size of a Cauliflower head, and is now at the point where he won't grow much more in length, but will continue to put on weight. He could be anywhere between 45-48cm long and could weigh between 1.8-2.7kg, as we all know - all babies are different sizes and Blueberry should still be putting on about 230g a week now, so as long as my midwives are happy with his growth (which at the moment they are) its safe to assume that everything is on track.  His bones are hardening, which explains why his kicks and movement is starting to get more painful.

I had my diabetes follow up appointment this week and she said that she was really happy with my levels and there were only 2 entries that were too high in her opinion. But I had reasons for both of them and they weren't right together so it was fine. (If there are 3 consecutive high readings I have to call the hospital.) So I am super happy about that. After all my stressing out about it I think I have finally got it under control. I just apologise to all the people I whinged and whined to along the way to getting here (Josh and Becky in particular, I'm looking at you guys!!)

This week has been a whole lot better than last week. Of course it hasn't all been smooth sailing, I have had a lot of stresses through work and the horrid thing that is car rego, but all in all it has been a pretty good week. I had a moments panic on Thursday afternoon though, I was walking to pick my car up from the mechanic (it's only about a 10 min walk from my workplace), and I don't know what is was that caused it, maybe the heat? But I started feeling strong, sharp, consistent pains in my lower stomach area. I thought for a brief moment that they were contractions, but then after sitting down for a while they changed to only hurting when baby moved or I moved too much. And now I don't feel any pain at all. When I thought they might have been contractions, I was trying to cast my mind back to when I was having them with Sienna and I totally can't remember what they felt like. I remember that they were painful, but that's about it.
When I was pregnant the first time I remember people saying to me, "You'll know when the contractions are starting. You'll just know." And now I'm thinking they say that because even they can't describe what they feel like because everything on that day goes so quickly, by the end of it you remember they were painful and concentrated and strong but don't remember the exact details. I remember the exact feeling of my water breaking more than the contractions, but more on that later on....

Other pains I have had this week consist of, me waking up on Wednesday morning and stretching to give myself the hugest calf cramp I have ever had in my life!!! Even today I am finding that calf painful to walk on, so I'm thinking in stretching the cramp out, I have pulled a muscle or something. It feels like I have done a whole heap of exercise - when I have done nothing and therefore will not see any benefits from the pain I am going through. It has made getting through our house (which consists of a staircase to the bathrooms and bedrooms) quite interesting.
Blueberry has been moving a lot this week. I've had those weird "alien" like bumps moving across my stomach pretty much constantly. There has also been a lot of tightening of the stomach happening, this is more commonly known as Braxton Hicks and is your body "practising" for labour. It has been more frequent during this pregnancy than with Sienna, which my midwife thinks is to do with the fact that I am more physical this time, keeping up with Sienna. They aren't painful, which is a good thing considering how often they are happening, but they make it really awkward to bend and move, as the stomach is rock hard. I swear my ribs on my left side are bruised also, because when he kicks there it is so painful and sometimes even if I breathe too deeply I can feel that ache like when someone pokes a bruise that is tender.
My belly button has pretty much popped already too. Which didn't happen at all with Sienna. So that's something new for me this time. Another new thing this pregnancy is the heat. I'm not liking it at all. I thought that I would be fine with it, because our house has air con, but even then I am still really struggling. As soon as I get home, basically everything comes off because its just too hot for clothes ha ha I have a few baggy, breathable tops and dresses that I wear constantly because I don't want to scare anyone too much, but every day there is a cool change is very much welcomed in this household. It was so much easier with Sienna, as I was pregnant through winter and could just pile on the clothes.

Now a question for all the ladies that read this (or the men if you know where your wives shop)... I am in need of a good nursing bra for when baby gets here. Where can I get a good one? Where did you get yours? I am after one that is convenient and easy to use but also still gives some kind of support. Since the bras n thing in this area have all closed I am really struggling to find a good one. The ones I used with Sienna were ok but don't give me the support I want. They were just from Kmart and Big W which could very much be the reason why they aren't the best? I don't know. But please let me know where is the best place online or actual store to get a good quality one!!

And to finish up, my weekly bump picture!! It's nice and round still... I'm waiting for the drop because I remember that being so much more comfortable because I could actually breathe for a bit but I have read that in your 2nd pregnancy that might not happen until just before labour.... gah!!!

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