Monday 19 December 2016

25 Weeks Pregnant Update

Wow!!!! 25 weeks down, only 15 to go!!!!!!

That is a crazy thought! Do I feel ready?? No. I feel like at this point with Sienna I was a lot more prepared, which in reality now that I have looked back on a calendar wasn't the case at all. I was probably just as unprepared. And we have done fine with her, right? =)

This pregnancy I need to get a lot less things prepared than with the first. We have a lot of stuff that we used with Sienna that we will be reusing with this one, so that makes it a lot easier. And we have lots of friends who have little boys and have offered to pass on things to us. (For those who didn't know... Spoiler alert... Blueberry is a BOY!) As there are a lot of other things for us to focus on this time too ie. Christmas, Work and Sienna, I think that makes us feel a lot less prepared than we probably are. We I was pregnant with Sienna that was all that we have to focus on and think about, so everything seemed to come together earlier. But all in all I am feeling pretty good about everything.

I am feeling extremely tired constantly. But I have a feeling that even if I wasn't pregnant right now I would still be feeling that way because this time of the year seems to have that effect on me. It just doesn't help on those nights that Sienna doesn't want to sleep. Which lucky enough, isn't that often. (Touch wood).
I am finding it difficult to lift Sienna at the moment, and to play with her on the ground when I have to bend over to her a lot. I am getting pains in the lower back and my belly tightens a lot which is very uncomfortable, and I get out of breath a lot.  I have already been told that I can't go under the tables at work to find stock and I can't go up on the ladder either, which makes me feel a bit useless there too. These are all things that my brain wants to do but my body just won't let me.

I am feeling a lot of movement. Which I am going to take as a good thing. I was worried for a while there because I felt nothing for ages, but now that it has started it is going for gold. I am feeling a majority of kicking on the inside though. Josh will but his hand on my belly and not feel anything when I am feeling a whole heap.

I haven't had any real cravings with either of my pregnancies. Although right now I could so go a good fruit salad. I don't think that's a craving though, it's just summer and I'm hot and need some refreshing.

I think that's about everything though... Here's a belly shot below to show you how huge I feel (excuse the shiny head, bathroom lights, blonde hair and fair skin don't mix)....

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