Friday 16 December 2016

New Year, New Challenges!

Hey Guys!!

I know the amount of times you see the title of this blog is incredible... The start of any new year seems to be the perfect time to start the "New You". In reality I don't see why new challenges and goals can't be set on any day of the year, I guess the 1st of January is just a clean time to start. So this year I am going to jump on the band wagon and set new challenges for myself. I am also going to share them on here as a way of tracking how I am keeping up with my challenges... I can already see this going badly but.... its always worth a try ha ha!

Below are the goals I am going to try to stick to in 2017:

1. Spend as much time with the kids as possible.

Now this seems like a pretty straightforward goal and one that I should be already trying to achieve. Sienna and I spend a lot of time together as it is, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep up with her he amounts of energy as my baby bump is progressively getting bigger. When new baby comes I still want to be making sure that Sienna is getting quality time with mummy. I also want to make sure that they are not confined to just having fun in the household, I want to get outside with them as much as possible.

2. Have a date night/ day with Josh at least once a month.

Again, a goal that should be apart of everyday life anyway. I am finding that with Sienna, and I know that it is going to get even worse with another one, is that Josh and I are forgetting to spend time together, away from the kids.. Life no longer revolves around you when you are a parent and you forget that you need to be spending time with your spouse. And finding a babysitter is hard (it's actually probably not, as we have had so many offers, I think it's more the fact that we/I have difficulty leaving her behind). I need to learn to let go, as she is growing into a toddler and I would like to spend more time alone with Josh.

3. Get my house organised and clean.

This is when you can tell I'm getting old, when cleaning the house becomes a goal. This one is more of a challenge for me as I am not the neatest person in the world. I am going to try my best to stick to a challenge I found on Pintrest - Home Storage Solutions 101: 52 Weeks to an Organized Home: 2017 Plan,  It terrifies me but excites me at the same time because as I said cleaning and organising are not my strong suits and I have a baby on the way along with a 1 year old so finding the motivation and time to clean and organise will be a challenge. But it is something that I want to make into a habit more than a chore.

4. Get back that pre-Sienna body.

Ever since falling pregnant with Sienna I have struggled to get that pre-baby body back. Then falling pregnant a second time I have gained even more weight this time as I didn't get to loose all the extra I gained with the first. I know that this is an extremely vain goal, but it's about feeling comfortable in my own skin again. I am going to be easing back into my workout routines by starting with Yoga, from the "Yoga with Adriene" Youtube series, I have done her stuff before and find she is A-MA-ZING!! She is funny and explains things really well for the blondes like me out there =) I was planning on working my way through her "30 Days of Yoga" and her "Yoga Camp" and to see where we go from there. (I am currently doing her Prenatal Yoga series and it is a God send). This also includes preparing a healthier meal plan for my family instead of getting lazy and ordering takeaway all the time. So I am very open to cheap and healthy meal recipes from anyone.

5. Save money!

This is a goal or challenge that I really struggle with too. Me and money are not good friends. If anyone out there in the bloggerverse has any tips or tricks on what I can do to save money I am all ears. I am going to start with putting amounts away every payday and storing all my small change as it adds up. I am also going to be as frugal as I can possible be with meal planning and cutting back on  coffees and treats like that. My main goal is to not struggle when it comes to the end of the year in 2017, (as I have a lot on at that time ie. Josh's birthday, Sienna's birthday, Christmas and car rego all in one hit) I want to be prepared financially at that time because this year I have really struggled.

6. Put up at least 1 video on my Youtube channel a month.

I know I said in my intro on Youtube that I was going to try and put up a few videos a week.... I didn't realise how hectic my life would be last year with Sienna and work and being pregnant and trying to fit everything in and to tell you the truth, I got lazy. =( I do, however really want to keep my friends and family updated on everything that is happening in our lives and as I don't get to see them very often, I feel this is the best way to do it. I will be blogging on here more frequently with updates on how my challenges and other things are going but through out the month I will be filming and putting up monthly overviews in Youtube. If you aren't already subscribed and would like to watch these monthly videos, check us out

And that's pretty much is the lot. Basically I want to improve all the aspects of my family life next year. I want to be a better person and therefore a better mum, partner, daughter, sister and friend. 2017 is going to be another big year for us and I really want to make the most of it. Wish me luck =)

Anyhow, I am going to check out now. Have an amazing and safe Christmas everyone reading this. And I'll speak to you all again soon xx      


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