Sunday 8 January 2017

Hello Third Trimester!! 28 Week Pregnancy Update!!

So we are into the third trimester, and I don't know if it's all just in my mind, but man can I feel it!! My body has become so achy, heavy and uncomfortable and I am having shortness of breath. But I'm not sure if it's just that my mind now knows where I'm at in this pregnancy and is making me feel the symptoms more and I'm just a whinger or if it has all come on quite quickly.

Blueberry is just over 40cm long and weighs about 1.2kg! So that's a bit of a jump from last week. I am into the stage now too, where blueberry is going to overtake and restrict my own needs because he is getting so big. He is going to be soaking up all of my nutrients from what I'm eating and is going to stop me from doing a lot of the things I would normally be doing, physically, throughout the day. Which, unfortunately, leaves poor mama bear a bit more hungry and tired than she would usually be. So Josh is in for a fantastic time!!

So... this week I undertook the wonderful thing that is the Glucose Test. I was lucky enough to have my dad come to sit and chat with me for the 3 hours that I had to sit there. For those who don't know, the glucose test is a blood test you need to take between 26-28 weeks of pregnancy and it tests you to see if you have gestational diabetes. If you do then you need to be put on a special eating plan because during pregnancy your body doesn't break down sugars at a fast enough rate, as your body is not producing as much insulin due to hormone changes, and if left untreated it can mean a higher risk of type 2 diabetes later on in life.

I arrived at the hospital at 8.00am after fasting since 10.00pm the previous evening and had blood taken. I then had to sit and wait for to doctors to check the blood work and tell me if my blood sugar levels were at a good point for me to be able to do the test. When it was clear that my blood was at an appropriate level the nurse brought me out the dreaded little bottle of sickly sweet syrupy drink to take and when I had finished that I had to wait an hour before my blood could be taken again. Then had another hours wait till the last lot of blood could be drawn.
The first time I had this test done with Sienna, the drink made me feel really nauseous, but this time it wasn't actually too bad. I don't know if that means something different of just that my body knew what was coming so I could kind of brace myself for it. The needles we not too bad. I have small bruises on my arms where the blood was taken, but I have very sensitive skin so that was no surprise. I find out my results when I see my midwife at my next appointment which is Wednesday fortnight. So hopefully everything went well.

I have a lot of people surprised when I tell them that I still have three months to go. Which makes me feel big... I'm feeling a lot of movement. Like a lot. It's not just waves of movement like it has been either, it's like a jab which leaves me with a lump sticking out of my belly until I gently move it back.
Sleeping is a nightmare. Not only can I not get comfortable but I am soooo hot!! I know it's the middle of summer but I swear I feel 110 times hotter than usual. I wake up super hot, then stress that Sienna is too hot in her bed. I'm just a super stress head.

It's crazy to believe that there is only 12 weeks until I am full term!! It's coming up so quickly!! We have the cutest little book that we read with Sienna called "There's A House Inside My Mummy" and she is taking it all in, not sure she quite understands but she looks at the pictures in the book for the mummy and her big tummy and will look at mine and touch it. Then again you can't really miss it at the moment... here is my weekly bump shot for you all to check out how big I'm getting....

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