Thursday 9 March 2017

37 Week Pregnancy Update - I'm in Hospital

Sorry I missed a week people. I have had a hectic few weeks. This blog comes out a little before I'm actually 37 weeks but since I missed the last one (due to internet problems at home) I decided to pop this one up in the middle. I cannot believe that in a few short weeks my little man will be here snuggling with me!! And it turns out that he may be here earlier than we anticipated... more on that to follow....

On the app, Blueberry is the size of a honeydew melon. Now that getting big, which i am definitely feeling in my ribs and hips. I am now on the homestretch. Blueberry is now considered near-term as he would be able to survive outside the womb with minimal extra medical care. He is over 2.7kg and around 45cm long roughly, so he is basically his birth size. These last few weeks he will continue cooking to get those finishing touches ready for the outside.

As I said before these past few weeks have been crazy! I had my midwife appointment on the Tuesday of my 35th week and everything was fine. Blueberrys heartbeat was normal, my blood pressure was normal, my blood sugar levels were normal (I had a few high ones here and there, but they were just me experimenting with dinners and things like that). The only thing was that i hadn't put on any weight since the fortnight before and that was something i needed to work on or they would have to check to make sure bub was growing at a proper rate. I had a blood test and everything was fine.
When I woke up the next day, my sugar level was really high. I just assumed that I probably had my supper too late the night before and it had carried over to my morning read. But then over the next few days, I continued to get high reading after high reading and I had no idea what I was doing wrong. I eventually got three consecutive high readings in a row and had to call the hospital. I then had the dietician call me and arrange to meet with me after I kept a food diary for the weekend to show her what I was eating, in the hope that she would be able to figure out where I was going wrong and we could get everything back on track. So I kept the food diary and went to see her on Monday.
We went through what I was eating after she looked at the continuous high levels I was getting and she came to the conclusion that it wasn't my diet that was leading to these high readings, as I had been following the diet really well (her words, not mine ha ha). She also told me that the average amount of weight to be put on during a pregnancy, for someone my size was 11-16kg and I had only put on just over 8kg to date, and that the fact that I was trying so hard to keep or make my levels lower was affecting the amount of carbs I was actually eating. So in other words, I wasn't eating enough and I couldn't limit what I was eating to control my sugar levels,  it had to be done another way. So she made an appointment later than day for me to see a doctor.
Hearing this was a little bit frustrating. I had been working so hard to stick to this diet, and to hear that it wasn't working for me was very disheartening. I returned later that afternoon to see the doctor, only to be told that I was being admitted to the hospital. After being monitored for about an hour, I was told that they would be starting me on insulin injections to help my body break down the sugar as my hormones were  making it hard for me to do that presently and I would be staying overnight in the hospital. I was so lucky that I had my mum there with me, and that she was able to take Sienna home with her.
The next day however, my morning sugar levels were still high, even after the injection, so i was to stay another night on their diet so they could refer to what I was eating and they were going to give me another injection before dinner (teaching me how to do the injections myself, as I would have to continue at home when I leave), and they would give me a bigger dose before I went to bed that night.
The next day, my sugar levels were higher than the previous morning, so I was stuck there for another night with higher dosages again.
Now there is nothing worse than being stuck in  hospital when you didn't know you were going to be there for this long, having absolutely nothing to do. Again, I am thankful to my family for dropping a few things off to keep me sane and hygenic.
Yesterday, for whatever the reason, at dinnertime my sugar levels dropped dramatically. Thank God!! The insulin I had been taken must have finally kicked in,  as it was the lowest its ever been the whole time I've had Gestational Diabetes.
This morning, my sugar levels are still low which means that I finally get to go home!!! I am meeting with the diabetes consultant here and then I am free!! I'll let you know what the outcome of that meeting is in my next blog, because I really want to get this up and go home :-)

I also learned that because I am on insulin, I will not be going to full term either. They will most likely induce me at 39 weeks, if I don't have him naturally beforehand, which means we will have little man here with us even earlier than expected. But his sugar levels will need to be monitored closely for the first 24 hours after he is born.

I have been having a lot of tightness in the stomach again this fortnight, which has led to painful ribs and difficulty breathing. Over the last few days though, some of the tightness has been a little painful and i have felt quite a lot of heaviness and pressure downwards. So I think blueberry is getting in the right position to come out and is starting with some practise/soft contractions.
Now I have heard that being induced isn't the most comfortable or nicest thing to go through, so I'm a little nervous about it. Can anyone out there share their experiences with induction with me? I have also been looking up natural ways of inducing baby myself. Can anyone give me tips on what worked for them?

You'll have to excuse the horrific bump picture this week as I blogged this from the hospital and they don't have the most accommodating mirrors for selfies, understandably.

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