Sunday 22 January 2017

Thank You!!

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the support I have received over the past 24 hours!!

You guys are truly the best people and I am so lucky to be able to call each and every one of you my friends! The amount of people who have come forward to share their stories of Gestational Diabetes or give their support to me has been phenomenal!! I was unsure about if I wanted to share my results on here, because I felt that poorly on myself, but I thought there might be other people like me out there that need to know there are others facing the same thing, and I taught myself that lesson at the same time. Here I was thinking that I was a let down to all females. That I was weak. And then I find out that there are so many people who have been through it, and that makes me feel like I can take on the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Even before yesterdays blog, I want to thank all the people who read my previous blog and gave me their telephone numbers, incase I needed to call someone if anything happened. I am so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community of people. Not just here in my hometown, but over social media. There are people who I have never met, or haven't seen in a long time and they are there right behind me, encouraging me through everything. Thank you!

To each and every one of you reading this now, thank you for being a part of this journey with me!
Happy days, until my next blog....

- A xx

Saturday 21 January 2017

30 Weeks Pregnancy Update Bad News =(

Only 10 weeks to go!!! I am literally down to the countdown of weeks on my two hands!!! That is absolute craziness!! I really need this pregnancy to slow down now or Blueberry will be here in no time at all. It's funny because it seems like just yesterday, but at the same time so long ago that I found out I was pregnant, and now I'm facing only about 6 weeks left of work (then it will really kick in). I feel like I need to start getting organised now. So today I have been going through some of Siennas old clothes and picking out things that could be classed as more unisex for Blueberry to wear too, and getting the bassinet ready in our room (so I don't have to worry about it later). I have been going through some clothes that my Aunty has given me for Blueberry with my mum, and you forget how small they are. The little overalls and onesies just look so tiny, and most of them are 0000 in size, when Sienna was born she was too small for 00000, so imagine how small she must have been!! Gah where does the time go??

According to my App, Blueberry just over 43cm from head to toe and weighs about 1.6kg so he is getting bigger slowly, but over the next few weeks is expected to put on about half a pound (or about 230g) a week leading up to the big day. My midwife said he is measuring well and has a strong heartbeat (I had Sienna in the room with me at my appointment while all this was being done, and she started dancing to the rhythm of Blueberrys heartbeat, it was so cute!). Blueberry kicked the midwife a few times during the measuring, which she said was good movement and the sign of a healthy baby. I got to feel his head which is downward in the correct position, thank goodness, which also indicates that he is lowering himself downward towards the birth canal, ready to be born. His back is on my right side and his feet are over on the left, which would explain why I am having so much movement on the left side, especially at night when he decides to have a little soccer game on my insides. Although I do know there is the chance that he will keep moving position throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

Other symptoms that I have been experiencing this week are mood swings (which I thought I was over with during the first trimester), I have been tearing up at silly things on TV and on Facebook constantly. Still having difficulty sleeping due to uncomfortableness and huge movement. The heat has actually been bearable for a majority of this week so I can't blame that. I am still getting very out of breath, even just talking sometimes leaves me feeling like I've just run a marathon. And, especially over the last few days, my belly has been feeling heavier than usual. I know that's because he is growing, but I feel like my belly has dropped, even just the smallest bit, because sitting and things that I had no or little problems with before, are becoming more and more uncomfortable.

In other news... I got my results back from my glucose test on Wednesday and it turns out that I have Gestational Diabetes. When I first found out I got really upset. I felt like I had let myself down. I got down on myself for a few days. I felt that it was bad enough that during pregnancy I couldn't have some of my favourite things, like soft cheese, and now I couldn't have basically ALL of my other favourite things, like sweets, chocolate, white pasta, rice and bread, all the carbs that I love so much. I went through and looked at lists of things that you are and aren't allowed to eat and it really depressed me, as everything I liked to eat was on the bad side. It was only really yesterday that I pulled myself together and realised that it isn't the end of the world, as long as I get my diet under control and keep to regular exercise then it should be fine. One of my new years resolutions was to get back to my pre-Sienna body and this could very well help me get back on track for this, even before Blueberry is born. And its only 10 weeks, then hopefully it should go away. I mean don't get me wrong, I still am upset about it, but there is nothing I can do now but deal with it.
I kind of knew that this would happen to me eventually though, as I have distant family history of diabetes and I have PCOS, which are two factors that put people at risk of getting Gestational Diabetes.
So what does having Gestational Diabetes mean? Like I said in my previous blog, it means during pregnancy your body doesn't break down sugars at a fast enough rate, as your body is not producing as much insulin due to hormone changes. But that's all I really know at the moment. I have an appointment with a specialist on Tuesday to talk me through it a bit more. I will then find out about having to est me blood and things like that. I have Google doctored myself a little but it started to stress me out so I stopped and decided to wait to see the specialist and get all the information I need for it from them, so that I can ask questions where I need and understand it a little better. I also have a friend who has been through this too (so I know there is light at the end of the tunnel), and I am planning to meet up with her soon to have a chat about things too, as I want to keep this as under control as I can.
If this is not kept under control, it increases my risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life or increasing the risk that Blueberry could have it when he is older. It could also lead to him growing too fast in the womb and I don't particularly want to be facing giving birth to a big baby, as that could led to complications during labour and/or a C-section, which I want to steer clear of if possible.

So regardless to say, all those other questions I had planned for the midwife completely left my head when I was told this news.... I got my certificate for work though and I asked about tearing and the effect it will have on this pregnancy and she said that hopefully Sienna has paved the way for this one and everything will be more stretched that it was previously so it shouldn't be any trouble, but she has highlighted the fact that there was previous tearing on my record, so the midwifes can take that into consideration when I am in labour this time. She also said that the most important thing for me was to have good communication with my midwife (which is what I was planning on having already), so I know exactly when to push etc. to minimise any further injury. The funny thing is though, that when you are in as much pain as you are in pregnancy, you may think you are being nice and cooperative with the midwives, when in reality you might not be... I am so sorry to the midwives when I was having Sienna, I really for the life of me cannot remember what I was like at that time, I'm sure both Josh or my Dad would be more that willing to remind me, as they were both there in the delivery room with me... hopefully I wasn't too bad. In a few weeks time I'm going to take a trip down memory lane with you and do a blog about my birth story with Sienna. Well, as much as I can remember any way. I might have to collaborate with Josh for that one and he can fill in all my blanks ha ha

Anyhow, here is my weekly bump pic.... let me know if you think it has dropped at all (probably hasn't, and its just my imagination). Sorry if its hard to see in the dress I'm wearing, it was just too warm to be wearing anything else...

Sunday 15 January 2017

29 Weeks Pregnancy Update Big Baby??

Some things have really hit home this week... I have had a friend of mine who was due at the end of February, have her baby 6 weeks early. This terrifies me. I couldn't think of anything that would scare me more than having a baby come early. Not only am I alone a lot at this point in time but I just don't feel ready yet. But in reality it could be happening at any time now. I was discussing with Josh and with my sister about what I would do if anything was to happen while I was at home alone with Sienna. Especially considering the hospital that I am booked in to is an hours drive away. I guess it's something I'd just have to deal with if it did happen. I have plenty of phone numbers to contact if anything happens so I'm pretty sure I'd be fine. How early do you have a hospital bag packed? Is it silly to have one ready 11 weeks before you're due? I guess I'm just a person that likes to be prepared and the thing that scares me the most about child birth is how it is completely out of my control.... I don't know how anything is going to happen.

Blueberry this week is about 40cm long and 1.3kg in weight. So its hasn't grown too much in the past week and has a lot to pack on in the next 11 weeks. I am feeling a lot of symptoms this week though... My ankles are swelling, which is something I never experienced with Sienna. I am finding that at work roughly around 3o'clock my feet and ankles start to really hurt. I am getting really out of breath, really fast too. Today for instance, I was doing the washing up and after a while felt like I needed to sit down because I was so out of breath, doing nothing but standing there, washing!!! My heartburn has been coming back at nights. Not as bad as it has been but enough to keep me awake. But if that isn't keeping me up the fact that I just can't get comfortable or the fact that it feels like Blueberry is playing a soccer game in my stomach is enough to keep me up. Sleep is hard to come by at the moment unfortunately, especially with it being as hot as it is.
Another thing I have been experiencing over the past few days, more than normal, is what they call "Lighting crotch". It is when baby is kicking, elbowing or headbutting my cervix and that sends a jolt like feeling through the rest of my body. It is painful but not at the same time... like, painful for a second then it just feels like going over a big drop and your belly has that dropping feeling. But it literally stops me in my tracks everytime and the more it happens at a time, the more painful it feels.
I am struggling a bit with Sienna at the moment too. She wants to be picked up a lot and I can't hold her for too long and struggle to bend down to pick her up of the ground. I am already needing her to stand in her cot so I can pick her up because I can't get down to her when she's lying down. It also is very difficult to lay her down at naptimes because those bars in her cot just get in the way ha ha

I find out the results of my glucose test at my midwife appointment which takes happens on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for good news. I also have lots of questions for my midwife this visit too. Because I tore quite a bit when giving birth to Sienna, I worry about what issues I may have "down there" this time. I also need certificates from my midwife to show my workplace that I really am pregnant so I can get time off. Plus lots of other questions which I can't remember right now... she'll have fun with me =)

This week we were also comparing pictures of me from my last pregnancy with this time. And we came to the conclusion that this baby is bigger than Sienna was, as at 28 weeks I look the same size as I was at 35 weeks with Sienna. That makes me nervous work wise also, as at 35 weeks last time I had a week left of work and this time being a similar size I still have 7 weeks to go.... it'll be fun... I guess I just have to take it easy and take each day as it comes. I just feel sorry for all the people that will have to put up with my complaining and constant pee stops. (I swear I never peed this much with Sienna.) I'll let you decide for yourself if I'm a similar size to what I was....

Me at 29 Weeks...

Me at 35 Weeks with Sienna:

Craziness!! But they do say that you are bigger with your second baby... right?? It could be a small baby with a lot of fluid in the sac around it, right??? I'll just keep telling myself that, and not that I have a monster sized baby boy growing inside me ha ha let me know what you think.....

Sunday 8 January 2017

Hello Third Trimester!! 28 Week Pregnancy Update!!

So we are into the third trimester, and I don't know if it's all just in my mind, but man can I feel it!! My body has become so achy, heavy and uncomfortable and I am having shortness of breath. But I'm not sure if it's just that my mind now knows where I'm at in this pregnancy and is making me feel the symptoms more and I'm just a whinger or if it has all come on quite quickly.

Blueberry is just over 40cm long and weighs about 1.2kg! So that's a bit of a jump from last week. I am into the stage now too, where blueberry is going to overtake and restrict my own needs because he is getting so big. He is going to be soaking up all of my nutrients from what I'm eating and is going to stop me from doing a lot of the things I would normally be doing, physically, throughout the day. Which, unfortunately, leaves poor mama bear a bit more hungry and tired than she would usually be. So Josh is in for a fantastic time!!

So... this week I undertook the wonderful thing that is the Glucose Test. I was lucky enough to have my dad come to sit and chat with me for the 3 hours that I had to sit there. For those who don't know, the glucose test is a blood test you need to take between 26-28 weeks of pregnancy and it tests you to see if you have gestational diabetes. If you do then you need to be put on a special eating plan because during pregnancy your body doesn't break down sugars at a fast enough rate, as your body is not producing as much insulin due to hormone changes, and if left untreated it can mean a higher risk of type 2 diabetes later on in life.

I arrived at the hospital at 8.00am after fasting since 10.00pm the previous evening and had blood taken. I then had to sit and wait for to doctors to check the blood work and tell me if my blood sugar levels were at a good point for me to be able to do the test. When it was clear that my blood was at an appropriate level the nurse brought me out the dreaded little bottle of sickly sweet syrupy drink to take and when I had finished that I had to wait an hour before my blood could be taken again. Then had another hours wait till the last lot of blood could be drawn.
The first time I had this test done with Sienna, the drink made me feel really nauseous, but this time it wasn't actually too bad. I don't know if that means something different of just that my body knew what was coming so I could kind of brace myself for it. The needles we not too bad. I have small bruises on my arms where the blood was taken, but I have very sensitive skin so that was no surprise. I find out my results when I see my midwife at my next appointment which is Wednesday fortnight. So hopefully everything went well.

I have a lot of people surprised when I tell them that I still have three months to go. Which makes me feel big... I'm feeling a lot of movement. Like a lot. It's not just waves of movement like it has been either, it's like a jab which leaves me with a lump sticking out of my belly until I gently move it back.
Sleeping is a nightmare. Not only can I not get comfortable but I am soooo hot!! I know it's the middle of summer but I swear I feel 110 times hotter than usual. I wake up super hot, then stress that Sienna is too hot in her bed. I'm just a super stress head.

It's crazy to believe that there is only 12 weeks until I am full term!! It's coming up so quickly!! We have the cutest little book that we read with Sienna called "There's A House Inside My Mummy" and she is taking it all in, not sure she quite understands but she looks at the pictures in the book for the mummy and her big tummy and will look at mine and touch it. Then again you can't really miss it at the moment... here is my weekly bump shot for you all to check out how big I'm getting....

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year To All!!

Just a quick note from me on this lovely New Years Day, wishing you all a fantastic 2017!!

A lot of people diss the New Year Resolution thing, but some people really do need that point to say "from this day on I will strive to do this." It's a great starting point. Which is what I'm using it as...

I look forward to keeping you updated on how I am working towards my goals (or how I'm lagging behind). I would really appreciate words of encouragement, so feel free to leave comments throughout the year below, as I would really like to get to know people going through the same experiences. Don't be shy :-)

Remember today is the start of the 365 page book of your life called 2017, make it count! Make it as good as you can, do things out of the ordinary, set new challenges for yourself everyday to help you grow as a person, be the best person you can be. Make the story of 2017 different to any other that you have written so far. Get rid of any negativity in your life and focus on the good that the world has to offer, because life is too short to be unhappy. Be kind to one another and love one another, because you don't know what anyone else is going through. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. In a world where you may think no one is listening, someone will be more than willing to hear you and help you out, but you'll never know until you ask. I am always here if you think no one else is. It's the simplest things that you can do everyday that may make someone else's day that bit brighter, so smile everyday.
Have a fantastic year! I hope it is filled with love, laughter and many blessings! I can't wait to see what 2017 brings for each and every one of you!
Love and Peace
- A xx