Monday 29 May 2017

2 Months Postpartum - Little Mr Chatterbox and Little Miss Cheeky

Crying... Early starts... Dirty nappies... Constant feeding... These are the things that everyone mother with a newborn should expect. Parenthood is the best and hardest thing that I have ever had to do. Sometimes I find myself trying to remember what it was like in the household without my two beautiful kids but then as soon as Sienna is on holidays at Grandmas, the house feels so empty without her and it just doesn't feel right. Sienna and Ollie are such huge pieces of our lives now, nothing would be right without them.

Ollie is growing like a charm. He is now 4.5kg which is just under the 15% percentile. He is doing really well putting on weight, considering that he was really underweight for a while there. He is consistently gaining an average of 200g a week, so I'm really happy about that. He is 57.5cm long, putting him the at about the 25th percentile. He has grown a massive 8.5cm since he was born :-( He is growing way too fast.

 He still loves to be cuddled, and would much rather fall asleep wrapped up in someones arms rather than in the rocker. Although, over the last few nights I have been testing out the putting him down drowsy but not asleep in his bassinet and letting him put himself to sleep. It hasn't been going too badly (touch wood), but he does tend to make a lot of noise as he is going to sleep, not crying noise, just baby gurgle.
The constant need for cuddles, love and attention is definitely something that I find draining. Especially as I have two kids now and I can't always be cuddling with Ollie when I need to be watching what Sienna is up to and I need to be giving her some one on one time also.

We had our 6 week shots the other week, and I am so glad that Josh had that day off because he was a lot braver than me and held Ollie down while he was being given the shot. I was nervous because Ollie is such a loud crier, I didn't want to imagine how loud he would be getting his shot, but he did really well. I mean REALLY well. I think he did better than Sienna did when she had her first shot. I think it could very well have to do with how calm Josh was when he was holding him as opposed to Sienna's first ones where mum and I were nervous wrecks. Sienna also had her 18 month shots on the same day and Josh held her down too. She also did really well. There were hardly any tears then she was distracted with the awesome stickers given to her from the nurses.
Ollie also had his 2 month appointment a few days ago and the nurses at the clinic said that he was doing very well. Not only was he putting on a good amount of weight, but he had very good neck and head control for his age. Which we already knew because he has been lifting his head pretty much since birth. He is just gaining better control of it now. We were told to do tummy time with him every day, so he can continue to build those muscles in his neck. We were also told that he was very vocal for is age, and the fact that he was copying our sounds and mouth movements already was very advanced for his age bracket.

I am slowly getting better at juggling the two of them and have had quite a few days at home with just the three of us while Josh is at work. It still stresses me out a little bit, I'll admit, but not nearly as much as it did at the beginning. Sienna being at daycare too has been a big help and a catch up day for me also. We are about to start her on two days a week there, so that should be a good help for me. But Sienna is getting really good at helping me. She will get nappies for me when I'm changing him (mind you sometime I need to remind her that we only need one, when she bring over about six of them), and she is always the first one to tell Ollie that it's ok when he starts crying. The love that they have for each other is incredible. His eyes will follow her around and watch what she is doing all the time and she is always up for cuddles and kisses with him. It's crazy to think that in a years time they will both be running around and playing together.

In the past month I have noticed that Sienna has become a lot more affectionate. She was never really a cuddly baby. But recently she is always giving me cuddles around the legs and won't really hesitate or fight if I ask for a cuddle or a kiss. She is also getting so good with her words. We can literally have conversations with her now, which is amazing! She understands us and we can understand her, most of the time. She is picking up so many new words, so fast. She will just come out with the most random sentences and she just leaves us in awe.
She has been a little whingy and restless recently and we are putting it down to the fact that we have seen some molars coming through, so they might be giving her a bit of grief. We have also hit a bit of a speed bump with her eating. She has got really picky with food recently and I don't know if that's to do with teeth also, or if that's just her being a turd. But even with all the whinging and whining there have been plenty of beautiful smiles and cheeky ones too. She is the cheekiest little girl and I love it. He sense of humour is fantastic and I just love hearing her laugh.

I love my little family. Even though there are times when I feel like I could rip my hair out, when Sienna is running wild and Ollie won't settle... the good times definitely outweigh the bad and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday 18 May 2017

I Need Your Help

Hey guys and gals!!

I am looking at starting up my own Youtube channel, and I really want to know what you all would like to see on there!

When you log onto youtube, what do you like to watch? What do you search for?

I want my channel to have lots of communication with the viewers, so what you all have to say is really important to me. Please give me serious feedback anyway you want, whether it be on any social media outlet, email me at I want to hear from you all!!

Thanks for you help everyone!! Look forward to seeing you on Youtube!!

Thursday 4 May 2017

Cookbook Recipe Review - Tomatoes, Apples and Carrots, Oh My!!

I love cooking! It is one of my favourite things to do, even though not everything works out the way I want it too every time, I love getting into the kitchen and just tuning out to the smell of something baking in the oven, or garlic and onions cooking on the stovetop. It is an escape for me. I am by no means a Chef in anyway, though. I am still a pretty basic cook, but in doing this and trying new things I am hoping to get better at it. I want to thank Josh for allowing me to take this time out from the kids in the kitchen, although I have been trying to include Sienna in my cooking lately.

This past week I have been trying out some recipes that I haven't made before, and I want to share with you how they have tasted, what the cooking process was like and what I would change for next time (if I decide to make them again). I want to be trying something new at least once a fortnight.

The first thing I made was a Bruschetta. Now I know what you are all thinking... "She loves cooking and has never made Bruschetta before?" I can totally see where you are coming from. It is a staple for a lot of people and it is really easy to make. The thing I found the hardest while making these, was that I had a grumpy newborn and a toddler who were making it difficult for Daddy, so I had to run out to help him out a few times. The process of making these though, couldn't be simpler.
They also tasted pretty damn good! This is something that I will definitely make again. It would be a great entrée type dish if you had guests, or a fantastic snack for lunch (which is when we had it).
The only change that I would make is next time I might add some mozzarella cheese to the mixture. I am a huge cheese fan and I think this would just complete the dish.

Second thing I tried out was an Apple Cider Pancake with Spiced Apple Syrup. I adjusted this recipe, as it called for raisins to be in the sauce also, but I hate raisins so I left them out. I wanted to use the flavours of Autumn and I thought to myself what says Autumn more than Cinnamon and Apple? So I found this recipe and tested it out. I wasn't sure how it would go as I am not a huge fan of cooked apple but this was super tasty. I had Sienna help me out in the kitchen with this one (she is a killer mixer). There was nothing too hard in this recipe so I think even beginner cooks would find this one easy enough. I am not the best at flipping pancakes and I tend to make more pikelet sized pancakes than pancake sized ones, but this time I surprised myself and make bigger ones (not very uniform in shape but eh).
They were really filling too. Josh and I managed to get through 4 each and were both very full afterwards. I don't think I would change anything else, other than what I already had. I will happily make these again.

Next was a Carrot Cake. This was a double layer cake, it called for two cakes to be made but I only had one pan, so it took a little longer than normal because I had to wait for one to be baked before I could bake the other one, but apart from that this was a pretty straightforward recipe.
I thought this cake was a little too dense. I thought that Carrot Cakes were meant to be a bit fluffier, whereas mine was quite heavy, but I have since been told that Carrot Cakes can be both.
I liked that this cake was made sweeter by adding crushed Pineapple. It's not something that I would have usually thought to do (especially as I don't like to eat Pineapple), but I found it added another element to this cake. I again left raisins out of this recipe because I thought putting one thing that I didn't like in it was enough, also I think that with the coconut and chopped pecans it had enough different textures in it so it didn't really need them.
I'm not sure that I would make this again. My family (who helped me eat the cake), all liked it but I'm not sure it was to my taste. I would much rather just a plain cake like and orange and poppyseed or even just a vanilla. This was to heavy and had a bit much going on in it for me.

And that is all the new recipes I have tried so far.... I'll keep you posted next time I try something else. If you would like any of these recipes to try for yourself, just let me know and I'll happily share them with you, and you can let me know what you think of them.