Sunday 19 February 2017

34 Weeks Pregnancy Update - Loosing Weight

Gah!! This is crazy guys!! 34 weeks!! And I'm on to my last week of work. I am really looking forward to being able to spend some quality time with just Sienna before the new baby comes but at the same time am nervous over just how exhausted I am feeling after only a short time with her and wondering how I am going to cope with that. It's bittersweet knowing that these are the last few weeks that it'll just be us and our little princess. But I know that when Blueberry gets here it'll be even better.

According to my App this week Blueberry is the size of a pineapple. It says he should be measuring at about 42.7cm from head to foot, which sounds about right considering my midwives measurements say he is 35cm from head to rump. He also is weighing roughly 2.25kg. It also says that as he is getting stronger now and it is common to feel yourself fading a little, which I guess is a reason I have been feeling so tired and confused a lot lately (my brain just isn't what it used to be). I am finding that every time I sit down I just feel the need to shut my eyes and have a sleep. Which is very unpractical when you have a toddler running around and getting into all sorts of mischief in front of you.

As I mentioned earlier, I had my midwife appointment this week. She was happy with everything. Baby is growing well, and has a healthy heartbeat. My heart rate was good and she was happy with my sugar levels. One thing that I noticed though was that in the past fortnight, I have lost almost 1.5kg. I am assuming it is the diet I am now on, and the midwife didn't seem concerned by it, but I thought that during this stage of pregnancy you were meant to be putting weight on not loosing it.

This week though has been much like any other when it comes to aches and pains and I don't want to bore you all with the same details over and over again. I can definitely feel him moving around, pressing on my ribs and my hip bones, which makes me wonder just how much space is left in there for him to grow.
Last night, we had a rough night with Sienna and leaning over her crib to comfort her gave me the worst case of heartburn, I was fine up until then and it was just the worst. I have had heartburn throughout this pregnancy but not in a while, then to have it come on so strongly was really bizarre. I don't know if it was the position of leaning over the crib that brought it on or what it was.
I have been feeling a LOT of movement down quite low too. The midwife told me that he is not engaged just yet but is very low down, and a lot of the movement that I am feeling is probably his arms feeling around his head.
Another thing that I brought up with my midwife include the lower belly pains that I have been having, as I mentioned in last weeks blog, because they haven't stopped. She informed me that this is a type of Braxton Hicks. That there is the type in the top of the belly which makes your belly go rock hard, which I have been getting quite a bit. Then there is the lower part of the belly which can be associated with aches and pain, which is probably what I am experiencing. When I have the two feelings together, that is a contraction.
I have a feeling that Blueberry doesn't like, or really does like, the feeling of car travel. As soon as I get in the car and get going, he moves like crazy and when you're siting in a confined space being held in by a seatbelt and you have something pressing and pushing downward at times or up into your ribs at other times, it isn't the most comfortable thing. I really enjoy driving, I find it a good wind down to just sit, travel and listen to some good music (when Sienna is behaving herself in the back) but recently my hourly drives to work are not quite as enjoyable as they have been.

I haven't had the chance yet to get out maternity bra shopping, but I want to thank all the people that gave me advice. I will definitely be taking it all on board when I do get the time to venture out.
Another thing I want to ask for advice on is baby wraps... As Sienna is just getting the hang of the whole walking thing, when this baby comes I have thought about putting Sienna in a trolley or pram and wearing blueberry in a wrap. We only used a Baby Bjorn with Sienna, when she was a bit older so I'm not very knowledgeable on wraps. Did you use one with your baby? Do you know someone who did? What is the wrap on them? (see what I did there?) What other ways would you recommend getting from A to B with two little ones?? Eg. double strollers etc.

I don't think I've missed anything, so I'll end the blog with a bump picture. It's crazy to think that the next time I sit down to write a blog, I will officially be on maternity leave!! That really brings it all home, actually how close we are to baby being here!!

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