Saturday 31 December 2016

27 Week Update!

This is the last week of my second trimester guys!!! It's getting real now!!

The Ovia Pregnancy App that I have on my phone says that blueberry is now the size of a Camping Lantern (38cm) and weighs about 900g, almost 1kg, so its getting pretty big!
All of his organs are now pretty much fully developed so all the growing now is just in size and in the progression of his brain.

I have had a rough two weeks. Not only has it been Christmas so I've been under more stress than usual (I'm serious, I have had two stress outs where Josh has had to come and calm me down), but the amount of aches and pains I have been having is ridiculous, and I'm not even in the Third trimester yet!!! My back is killing me and the amount of times that I have to pick up Sienna doesn't really help that. But I am just finding it increasingly difficult to get comfortable, whether it be sitting on the lounge or laying in bed. I find myself moving and tossing and turning constantly because finding a comfortable spot is like finding reception on a TV with bunny ear antenna. You find it briefly then it's gone again almost a second later. The past 2 nights in a row I have also been waking up with the most crazy calf muscle leg cramps. I don't know what's causing them, all I know is they hurt :-(

I had a midwife appointment on Wednesday. Everything went smoothly. I have put on 2kg in the past month though :-/ which takes me to almost the weight I was at with Sienna full-term, which is the heaviest I have ever been. Blueberry is measuring 1cm larger than Sienna was at this point, which makes me nervous for the birth. Sienna had a small head in comparison to the baby average, but it felt huge coming out I tell you!! So if this one is bigger than she is.... Im nervous. Ha ha. I was also told that I need to drink more water, which is something that I was told constantly with Sienna. (It feels like no matter how much water I drink it's never enough though). And that my sugar levels were too high (which I am blaming on Christmas time). But I need to bring them back down in time for my glucose blood test which is happening next Friday :-( I am not looking forward to that at all. It's not so much the sickly sweet syrup you have to drink, that I can stand, its all the blood tests. I am not the greatest person in the word when it comes to needles.... they scare me a lot and I tense up a lot when the time comes. But I have to admit that after the first pregnancy, where you are a human pin cushion, I have got a lot better. So I'll let you know how that goes in next weeks blog....

This pregnancy is flying by so fast and as much as I love that and want it to be over, at the same time I don't because this is the last time I get with Sienna and Josh and it just being the three of us. I know that sounds silly because I'm sure that it'll be even better when it's the four of us, but in a way I feel like I have to spend as much time with Sienna as I can now because she'll have to share us soon. I know that we will still get quality time with her (I'll make sure of it).... I don't know... silly pregnancy hormones. Has anyone out there felt like that before having another baby? Or are you feeling like that now? Let me know in the comments below.

I don't feel that my bump is any bigger this week than it was before, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that...

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