Saturday 31 December 2016

Big Surprise at Christmas!!

I hope that everyone out there had a fantastic Christmas!! We had a lovely day here in our household. Sienna was spoilt by the family and lots of food was eaten and plenty of fun was had. But the biggest surprise of all was that JOSH AND I GOT ENGAGED!!!!

There was a picture I saw on a social media somewhere... and I never really got it until I had Christmas with Sienna this year.

This is totally true. Watching her little face as she looked at Christmas lights (whether it was just on our little tree or on the house down the street totally decked out in lights), watching her open her presents and just smiling when she saw members of our family walk through the door.

Wooden gifts seemed to be the way to go this year. Sienna received lots of them, which I am totally not complaining about as they will probably last longer than plastic ones. She got puzzles, a tea party set and a rocking horse just to name a few. Watching her play with her new toys and showing all the adults around how she drinks from her tea cup was so special.


Christmas as an adult just didn't have the same "magic" as it did as a kid. But seeing Sienna experience it properly for the first time (as she was only about 3 months last year), brought that magic back again. Being around all the people I love, was truly special.

Sienna got spoilt, as all 1 year olds do at Christmas. But I think I was the one who truly got spoilt this year. Having the man of my dreams ask me to marry him. I honestly can't think of anything else better that I could have received from him. He has made me the happiest girl on the face of the planet. Not to mention the luckiest. Sappy, I know. I am so looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him. I just feel bad for him, because now he is stuck with me and all my bad habits ha ha. I am going to do a special blog a bit later on focusing on just the engagement and will be taking you through all my wedding preparations down the track. (The wedding probably won't be for a while as we have a baby coming and all that jazz).

I know its late but I really hope that everyone out there reading this had an amazing Christmas!! And I wish you all the best for the new year!! Can't wait to catch up with you all again then xx

- A

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